Big Bang Tribute Wall Art

The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck and Bill. A sitcom that shows what happens when hyperintelligent roommates/physicists Sheldon and Leonard meet Penny, a beautiful woman moving in next door--and realize they know next to nothing about life outside of the lab.

DimensionsWall Art Size (Height X Width X Thickness): 22.8 cm X 45.7 cm X 0.5 cm - (Landscape)

Texture: Hand drawn illustration, Digitally Printed & Laminated On Sun-Board. It comes with a stand which allows you to hang or decorate on tabletop. No need to frame this any further!

Shipping & Delivery: This product takes up to 5-10 days for dispatch. While we do our best to send out the orders at the earliest, our dispatch doesn't work on Saturday and Sundays.

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